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Ningbo Yonghong Machinery Co., Ltd. is a synthetic company for dairy, food, packing equipment,equipment designing and the whole project installing. The project which we contracting and making has acknowledged by large customer as design reasonable and create excellment, These years we provide whole excellent engineering item to install and manufacture, such as Xin Xiwang Milk, Jiangxi Yangguang Milk, Guangdong Yantang Millk, Nanjing Weigang Milk,and so on. It is one of the professional enterprise that local minority can provide engineering design. manufacturing installment and produce all –directions service.

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Ningbo LEEPAK Machinery Co, Ltd.
神农架林区| 德江县| 东光县| 伽师县| 奈曼旗| 保定市| 佛教| 桐柏县| 定陶县| 昌乐县| 开原市| 黄陵县| 高州市| 米林县| 商城县| 新密市| 云南省| 福泉市| 丹寨县| 镶黄旗| 新建县| 孟津县| 上饶县| 福泉市| 永顺县| 遂宁市| 富蕴县| 东辽县| 喀喇沁旗| 锡林郭勒盟| 磐石市| 克东县| 吴忠市| 清水县| 惠水县| 常熟市| 疏附县| 长岭县| 奈曼旗| 新津县| 昌平区|