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Ningbo Yonghong Machinery Co., Ltd. is a synthetic company for dairy, food, packing equipment,equipment designing and the whole project installing. The project which we contracting and making has acknowledged by large customer as design reasonable and create excellment, These years we provide whole excellent engineering item to install and manufacture, such as Xin Xiwang Milk, Jiangxi Yangguang Milk, Guangdong Yantang Millk, Nanjing Weigang Milk,Jiangxi Yangguang Milk, Guangdong Yantang Milk,Nanjing Weigang Milk and so on. It is one of the professional enterprise that local minority can provide engineering design. manufacturing installment and produce all –directions service.

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Ningbo LEEPAK Machinery Co, Ltd.
龙山县| 和林格尔县| 榆树市| 兴业县| 噶尔县| 仁布县| 德保县| 灵宝市| 保定市| 衡阳县| 阿尔山市| 霍城县| 竹山县| 运城市| 西乌珠穆沁旗| 乌拉特中旗| 灵川县| 竹溪县| 武威市| 且末县| 娱乐| 黑龙江省| 新蔡县| 米易县| 广宁县| 蕉岭县| 偃师市| 蕲春县| 东台市| 广昌县| 顺昌县| 奎屯市| 盐源县| 建瓯市| 吉林省| 达孜县| 阜新市| 云浮市| 理塘县| 高陵县| 明星|