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Ningbo Yonghong Machinery Co., Ltd. is a synthetic company for dairy, food, packing equipment,equipment designing and the whole project installing. The project which we contracting and making has acknowledged by large customer as design reasonable and create excellment, These years we provide whole excellent engineering item to install and manufacture, such as Xin Xiwang Milk, Jiangxi Yangguang Milk, Guangdong Yantang Millk, Nanjing Weigang Milk,Jiangxi Yangguang Milk, Guangdong Yantang Milk,Nanjing Weigang Milk and so on. It is one of the professional enterprise that local minority can provide engineering design. manufacturing installment and produce all –directions service.

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Ningbo LEEPAK Machinery Co, Ltd.
河池市| 漯河市| 东乡族自治县| 宝山区| 宜君县| 呼图壁县| 漾濞| 临沧市| 光山县| 西青区| 黔江区| 杭锦后旗| 东城区| 海丰县| 酒泉市| 星子县| 玛沁县| 灵山县| 武宣县| 会宁县| 永城市| 阳朔县| 泸西县| 长垣县| 夏邑县| 石首市| 丹东市| 甘德县| 甘泉县| 绿春县| 揭东县| 抚州市| 德令哈市| 古浪县| 荥阳市| 安新县| 中卫市| 牙克石市| 浮梁县| 湘潭县| 广安市|